
Showing posts from June, 2020

Mandates to myself

1. Devote yourself absolutely for your wellbeing(Be Selfish) 2. Mind your own business 3. Learn to be deaf, dumb and blind 4. Engage yourself in meaningful task 5. Analyse, understand and deliberate in your speech. 6. Never condemn and complain 7. Learn to enjoy every small achievement and time. Which won't come back again ever. 8. Be stable and cool all the time. 9. Be happy about what you're doing, it doesn't matter whether it is small or big. Every one in their own perspective they think they are right. Even notorious criminals also claim to be good persons as they don't treat themselves as bad people, so the mainstream audience never accept as they are bad at anytime. So never say to anyone as they are bad. A persons teeth ache can make him suffer than a million peoples death in tsunami.